Attended Conferences
ICCV’17 Image-based localization using LSTMs for structured feature correlation
ICCV’17 Learning Proximal Operators
ACCV’16 FuseNet
GCPR’15 CAPTCHA Recognition with Active Deep Learning slides
SSVM’15 Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic Segmentation slides
Public Talks
ACM Munich Meetup , July 4 ‘18, Machine Learning Meetup #1 slides
DL Workshop, MPI-ETH, July 11 ‘16, FlowNet
CIS @LMU, November 24 ‘15, CNNs for CV
MLSS’15 Kyoto, September 4 ‘15, FlowNet
Kleine Bayessche AG@Augsburg Uni, July 9 ‘15, CNNs for CV slides
ACM Munich Tech Talk , June 24 ‘15, Deep Learning in Action slides
Seminar: Current Trends in Deep Learning (SS18)
Hands-on Deep Learning for Computer Vision (WS16/17)
Practical Course: Machine Learning for Applications in Computer Vision (SS15, SS16)
Seminar: Current Trends in Machine Learning (WS14/15)
Practical Course: GPU Programming in Computer Vision (WS14/15, SS15 WS15/16)